1. 1 lb sweet rice flour
2. 1 lb regular rice flour
3. 1 ¾ C water
4. 1 C sugar
5. 2 C red bean, cooked
6. ¼ C sugar

1. Mix all ingredients listed in the A well – flour mixture, and set aside for 20 – 30 minutes, and divide it to three parts: 20%, 40%, and 40%.
2. Mix the ingredients 5 & 6, and the 20% of the mixture in 1 well in another container.
3. Take a 12’’ steamer, place one layer of coffee paper on the bottom of the steamer, and wet the coffee paper.
4. Take the first 40%, and equally place it over the coffee paper.
5. Equally place the red bean mixture over the flour mixture.
6. Equally place the 2nd 40% over the red bean mixture.
7. Cover the steamer. Add water to the steam container half way full, turn heat to high, and steam for 30 minutes after the water is boiling.

Steamed Product:

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