A: for fish ball (see the main ingredients in the picture below)
1. 1 lb fish filet (Grey Sole, Orange Roughy, or tilapia, other white fish)
2. 1 T cooking wine
3. 1 egg
4. ½ t ginger, chopped
5. 2 stalk of green onion, white part only, chopped
6. ½ t salt
7. 2 T corn starch
B: for soup
8. 1 ½ C of water
9. ½ C tomato, cubed
10. 5 - 6 oz soft tofu, optional
11. ¼ C bamboo, sliced, optional
12. ¼ lb meshed fish meat (from above)
13. ¾ t salt
14. 1 stalk of green onion, green part only, chopped

1. Meshing fish: cut the fish to small pieces, place the fish and remaining ingredients listed in A to a food processor professing for about five minutes. Transfer the processed/meshed the meat to a small container. See the processed/meshed fish meat in the picture below.

2. Cooking soup: place the ingredients 8-12 listed above to a sauce pan, cook to boiling with medium heat, and spoon the fish meat to the sauce pan one spoon by one spoon. It should be enough fish balls if you take about one quarter of the total fish (place remaining fish in refrigerator for future use). Continue to cook fish soup for few minutes after the soup is at boiling. Turn off the heat, and sprinkle the green onion on top of the soup. Serve the soup when it is warm.
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