A (see raw Quinoa in the picture below):
1. 2 C Quinoa
2. 1 ¾ C water

B (see cooked Quinoa and other main ingredients in the picture below):
3. 1 t salt
4. 2 cloves of garlic, finely chopped
5. ½ t red wine vinegar
6. 2 t fresh lemon juice
7. 2 t honey
8. ½ T olive oil
9. ½ C tomato, cubed
10. ½ C pine nuts, backed or microwaved
11. ¼ C cilantro, finely chopped

1. Soak the quinoa in the water in a sauce pan for a couple of hours. Cook the Quizoa (1st cook it to boiling, and then turn the heat to lower about for another 10 minutes), just like cooking rice.
2. Mix everything listed in the B above with the cooked Quizoa except cilantro, and add the cilantro, and mix again.
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