1. 3 C all purpose flour * (replaceable with whole wheat flour)
2. 1/2 t baking powder
3. 2 T sugar (optional)
4. ½ T yeast
5. 1 ¼ C warm water (95 F)**
6. 14 oz red bean paste (one package)

1. Making dough: Mix flour and baking powder well in a container. Mix the sugar, yeast and warm water in a bowl, and set the bowl aside for few minutes. Mix the yeast mixture and the flour mixture well. Knead the dough to a smooth ball. Cover the container, and set the container aside for about1 – 2 hours (depending on the room temperate). The volume of the dough should be at least doubled when it is completely raised.
Dough Before Raised:

Dough After Raised:

2. Making Roll (see the step by step in the picture below): Take about half of the dough, and knead the dough again until it forms smooth and oval shape dough. Roll out the dough to make a rectangle sheet (about 12 inch long, 8 inch wide and ½ inch thick). Spread half of the red bean paste on the top of the dough sheet, and roll the sheet to a long stick, and cut the stick to two. Repeat the same step to finish the remaining dough.

3. Steaming: Fill steamer pan with water to half way full. Add one layer of coffee paper (or cheese cloth) at the bottom of the steamer, and wet the coffee paper. Place the sticks in the steamer. All the rolls should be fitted into an 11 inch and two-lay bamboo steamer. Place the steam set over the steamer pan. Steam the steamer with high temperature for 20 minutes. See the finished rolls in the picture below. Take the sticks out and cut them to small pieces.

* different brand of flour are slightly different in absorbing water. So the amount of water needed could be slightly different.
** You can use milk to replace water. You can also use cold water for mixing the flour, but it will longer time for raising flour.
Tip: It is common that steamed rolls shrink by its self after taking out from the steamer. The shrinking can be avoided if you use cold water to start steaming. Or you can set the raw sticks aside for 15 – 20 minutes before steaming.
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