1. 2 C rice flour
2. 1.5 C all purpose flour (replaceable with whole wheat flour)
3. 2/3 C sugar
4. 2 ¼ C milk (warm up to 95 F*)
5. ½ T yeast
6. ½ t baking powder
7. ¼ C raisin or dried cherry

1. Making dough: Mix rice flour, all purpose flour, and sugar well in a medium size of container. Mix the yeast and milk in another container, and the set the container aside for few minutes. Mix the yeast mixture to the flour mixture well; and set the container side for 1-2 hours depending on the room temperature. The volume of the dough mixture should be at least doubled when it is completely raised. Add ½ teaspoon of baking powder to the flour mixture, and quickly and completely mix it with the flour mixture. See the step by step picture below.

2. Steaming: Use 11 inch steamer. Add code tap water to the steamer pan to half way full. Cover the steamer with coffee paper (or cheese cloth), and wet the coffee paper with tap water. Pour the flour mixture to the steamer, and sprinkle the raisin on the top of the steamer. Steam 20 - 25 minutes after the water is boiling with high temperature. See the picture below for the Steamed product - Soft Steamed Bun.

Note: * You can use cold water for raising the flour mixture, it will longer time for raising flour.
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